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Global summary of day data for 18 surface meteorological elements
are derived from the synoptic/hourly observations contained in
TD9956 (USAF DATSAV3 Surface data).
In deriving the summary of day data, a minimum of 4
observations for the day must be present (allows for stations which
report 4 synoptic observations/day).  Since the data are converted
to constant units (e.g, knots), slight rounding error from the
originally reported values may occur (e.g, 9.9 instead of 10.0).

The mean daily values described below are based on the hours of
operation for the station.  For some stations/countries, the
visibility will sometimes 'cluster' around a value (such as 10
miles) due to the practice of not reporting visibilities greater
than certain distances.  The daily extremes and totals--maximum
wind gust, precipitation amount, and snow depth--will only appear
if the station reports the data sufficiently to provide a valid value.
Therefore, these three elements will appear less frequently than
other values.  Also, these elements are derived from the stations'
reports during the day, and may comprise a 24-hour period which
includes a portion of the previous day.  The data are reported and
summarized based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT, 0000Z - 2359Z) since
the original synoptic/hourly data are reported and based on GMT.

As for quality control (QC), the TD9956 data undergo extensive
automated QC (by USAF, over 400 algorithms) to correctly 'decode'
as much of the synoptic data as possible, and to eliminate many
of the random errors found in the original data.  Then, these data
are QC'ed further as the summary of day data are derived.  However,
we expect that a very small % of the errors will remain in the
summary of day data.

The record length is 132.


STN     1-6       Int.   Station number (WMO/DATSAV3 number)
                         for the location.

YEAR    9-12      Int.   The year.

MODA    13-16     Int.   The month and day.

TEMP    19-24     Real   Mean temperature for the day in degrees
                         Fahrenheit to tenths.  Missing = 9999.9
                         (Celsius to tenths for metric version.)

Count   26-27     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean temperature.

DEWP    30-35     Real   Mean dew point for the day in degrees
                         Fahrenheit to tenths.  Missing = 9999.9
                         (Celsius to tenths for metric version.)
Count   37-38     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean dew point.

SLP     41-46     Real   Mean sea level pressure for the day
                         in millibars to tenths.  Missing =
Count   48-49     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean sea level pressure.

STP     52-57     Real   Mean station pressure for the day
                         in millibars to tenths.  Missing =
Count   59-60     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean station pressure.

VISIB   63-67     Real   Mean visibility for the day in miles
                         to tenths.  Missing = 999.9
                         (Kilometers to tenths for metric version.)
Count   69-70     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean visibility.

WDSP    73-77     Real   Mean wind speed for the day in knots
                         to tenths.  Missing = 999.9
                         (Meters/second to tenths for metric version.)
Count   79-80     Int.   Number of observations used in
                         calculating mean wind speed.

MXSPD   83-87     Real   Maximum sustained wind speed reported
                         for the day in knots to tenths.
                         Missing = 999.9
                         (Meters/second to tenths for metric version.)

GUST    90-94     Real   Maximum wind gust reported for the day
                         in knots to tenths.  Missing = 999.9
                         (Meters/second to tenths for metric version.)

MAX     97-102    Real   Maximum temperature reported during the
                         day in Fahrenheit to tenths--time of max
                         temp report varies by country and
                         region, so this will sometimes not be
                         the max for the calendar day.  Missing =
                         (Celsius to tenths for metric version.)
Flag    103-103   Char   Blank indicates max temp was taken from the
                         explicit max temp report and not from the
                         'hourly' data.  * indicates max temp was
                         derived from the hourly data (i.e., highest
                         hourly or synoptic-reported temperature).

MIN     105-110   Real   Minimum temperature reported during the
                         day in Fahrenheit to tenths--time of min
                         temp report varies by country and
                         region, so this will sometimes not be
                         the min for the calendar day.  Missing =
                         (Celsius to tenths for metric version.)
Flag    111-111   Char   Blank indicates min temp was taken from the
                         explicit min temp report and not from the
                         'hourly' data.  * indicates min temp was
                         derived from the hourly data (i.e., lowest
                         hourly or synoptic-reported temperature).

PRCP    113-117   Real   Total precipitation (rain and/or melted
                         snow) reported during the day in inches
                         and hundredths; will usually not end
                         with the midnight observation--i.e.,
                         may include latter part of previous day.
                         .00 indicates no measurable
                         precipitation (includes a trace).
                         Missing = 99.99
                         (For metric version, units = millimeters
                         to tenths & missing = 999.9.)
                         Note:  Many stations do not report '0' on
                         days with no precipitation--therefore,
                         '99.99' will often appear on these days.
                         Also, for example, a station may only
                         report a 6-hour amount for the period
                         during which rain fell.
                         See Flag field for source of data.
Flag    118-118   Char   A = 1 report of 6-hour precipitation
                         B = Summation of 2 reports of 6-hour
                             precipitation amount.
                         C = Summation of 3 reports of 6-hour
                             precipitation amount.
                         D = Summation of 4 reports of 6-hour
                             precipitation amount.
                         E = 1 report of 12-hour precipitation
                         F = Summation of 2 reports of 12-hour
                             precipitation amount.
                         G = 1 report of 24-hour precipitation
                         H = Station reported '0' as the amount
                             for the day (eg, from 6-hour reports),
                             but also reported at least one
                             occurrence of precipitation in hourly
                             observations--this could indicate a
                             trace occurred, but should be considered
                             as incomplete data for the day.
                         I = Station did not report any precip data
                             for the day and did not report any
                             occurrences of precipitation in its hourly
                             observations--it's still possible that
                             precip occurred but was not reported.
                         Note: Flags H and I only apply to Version 6 data.

SNDP    120-124   Real   Snow depth in inches to tenths--last
                         report for the day if reported more than
                         once.  Missing = 999.9
                         (Centimeters to tenths for metric version.)
                         Note:  Most stations do not report '0' on
                         days with no snow on the ground--therefore,
                         '999.9' will often appear on these days.

FRSHTT  127-132   Int.   Indicators (1 = yes, 0 = no/not
                         reported) for the occurrence during the
                         day of:
                         Fog ('F' - 1st digit).
                         Rain or Drizzle ('R' - 2nd digit).
                         Snow or Ice Pellets ('S' - 3rd digit).
                         Hail ('H' - 4th digit).
                         Thunder ('T' - 5th digit).
                         Tornado or Funnel Cloud ('T' - 6th


G Pittaluga